About Benorius

I have completed training as an IT specialist specializing in system integration and have been actively working as a system administrator ever since. As the complexity and requirements of systems continue to grow, I try to explain IT as simply as possible so that everyone understands it.

Making decisions out of lack of knowledge?

Who does not know this situation? You are the manager or head of department of a company and suddenly decisions have to be made regarding the information technology structure. Unfortunately, many people do not have the necessary know-how and find it difficult to make a decision. However, this decision can have far-reaching consequences for the future of the company. Therefore, it should of course be well considered.

Finding the right one

It is often difficult to build up trust in service providers, because it is not entirely obvious what is being offered and often only the actual bid amount is compared. The service, the programs or the licenses fall by the wayside. This is often avenged afterwards by renewed orders and changes to the entire infrastructure.

I would like to show here different goals and ways, which exist in my opinion and which can be used. To give this help, I would like to give small instructions, Best Practises as well as estimations, what a smaller enterprise could need. Because often it fails because of ignorance, but for which no one is to blame. Therefore, everyone has their area of expertise.

Please pay attention, my tips and instructions are not adapted to every company. Thus, the decision must come from each himself and I assume no liability.

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